Sunday, February 6, 2011

#33 On this week's injured reserve list: My Right Knee

365 Blog Challenge: Post #33

Story of my life:  I'm lazy.  I don't work out.  I eat too much chocolate.  I gain weight.  Wake up call.  I decide to lose weight. Start to eat better. Begin a workout regimen.  Get into a good grove. Lose weight. Get injured.

Lauren's injured R knee,
star player of her workout team.
My life story has just made another revolution.  I have lost 12 pounds since the beginning of November cutting back on portion sizes and just trying to eat better over all.  I've been a dedicated ellipticaler as well as participant of Jillian Michael's 30-Day-Shred DVD (she kicks my ass!)  So finally, last week, in a moment of weakness, I didn't complete my elliptical cool-down after a 30-minute workout and I jumped right onto the treadmill for a 10-minute walk.  (It could also technically be from the very difficult squats Jillian makes me do with my 4lb weights...maybe I'm doing them incorrectly though she stresses, "No injuries please.")  Later that night at work, I noticed a pulling sensation on the anterior-medial aspect of my right knee (front and on the inside), and since then, I haven't been able to shake the pain which has now traveled just above my knee cap and to my thigh which is apparently compensating.

I've had to place my star player on the injured reserve list at least for this week to see if it improves, if not, I'm off to MRI city (or so thinks one of the nurses I work with who is also an NP).  Just in time for the super bowl too.  Good thing I'm just watching from my couch.  Most likely, it's just a strain, so let's hope it wants to heal fast!  Here's to a week of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and ibuprofen.  Cheers.

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