Wednesday, March 9, 2011

#63 NY Restaurant Conspiracy....

365 Blog Challenge: Post #63

Ok, conspiracy is a strong word. But has anyone else noticed a lot of little restaurants around the city are "closed for renovation"? How about the fact that these closures correspond time wise to the city's requirements to post the letter grade given by the NY health inspector in your restaurant? I theorize that these closures for renovations are actually closures for "Quick, let's get our sh*t together so we don't have to close our restaurant forever! Set the rat traps!"

An "A" grade, most often seen at chain restaurants.  I cut off the top of the sign cause I rushed the shot.  There was a lady sitting at the counter behind this sign, and I didn't want her to get creeped out that I was taking pictures of her.
A "B" grade, do you really want to eat at a place that got a "B" grade?  Doesn't that just make you question why they didn't get an A?  Was it the hair balls they saw sitting in the soup you just ordered?  And why can't these guys take care of their "B" grade sign, let alone their restaurant?  

Naturally I didn't get a picture of the one I saw today that was "closed for renovation" but they're out there....Just a theory....

*Note- After I finished typing that, while I was traipsing around NY trying to find restaurant grades to take pictures of, I came across a small cafe with a yellow sign that said "Closed by order of the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene"...or something like that.  I really wanted to take a picture of it, but there were two guys standing outside of it who seemed confused and a bit upset.  I am assuming they were employees of the cafe so I felt it'd be insensitive to take a photo.  So much for being a hard core journalist.


Lauren said...
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Scott said...

a B grade is really not that bad at all. That is what is stupid about the letter system, they make you not want to eat at a clean restaurant.
There is one with a c grade at the north east corner of 42nd and 8th...they hid the sign behind a menu board out in front of the store.