Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Larger than life...

My friends are totally famous, and I'm quite proud which is why I'm featuring them in my blog.

My friend Mary, currently getting her masters in Library Science from the University of British Columbia, volunteered last year in Peru, wrote an article about it for the local Peruvian newspaper, and was pleasantly surprised to find out that an internet travel magazine wanted to publish it!!  Click here to read!

Another of my friends, Mary Clare, was featured with a lovely picture in the local NY mag, Time Out New York. They did a feature on what New Yorkers associate with certain locales in the NYC area.  Click here to check out her cuteness and wittiness.

Keep up the famousness ladies!!


Marishka said...

Marys are just cool, talented and totally famous. Thanks for the shout out babygirl.

fuzzy j said...

Aw, I love it. Go, Marys!

I miss you, LAUREN. Play time soon...
