Tuesday, April 19, 2011

#94 Getting back on track...

365 Blog Challenge: Post #94

So I haven't been a very dedicated blogger the past couple weeks.  Partially of it was exhaustion/illness due to exhaustion, and partially, I wanted to see what it would be like not to put so much pressure on myself to do things outside of work.  In life and work, I am a self motivator, but I am also a self-criticizer.  I should stop that, I know, but there's really only so much I can change so I have to find ways to deal with it, or get around it.  I find myself wondering how I would tolerate stress at work if I didn't put so much pressure on myself.  But, that's like denying me my natural instincts so, I continue on.  I thought maybe going easier on myself outside of work would help.  But then I am just missing doing the things I enjoy!

Anyways, the lack of blogging was a nice little break but I want to make my goal and now I am a good 15 posts behind!  So I'm getting back on it.

Also getting close to getting back on track for working out.  I finally was allowed to do the elliptical yesterday at physical therapy (yes, I'm still doing that.)  I'm a little sore today, but then again, was a little sore before I started yesterday.  But definitely building strength in my hips and legs which they tell me is important.  Wearing my orthotics is helpful too. (Oh yeah...those...).

Here's to getting back on track!

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