Thursday, June 5, 2008

Make new friends...but keep the old....

Last Thursday, during orientation, Columbia School of Nursing sponsored a New Student Boat Cruise.  It was a great time!  I've already made a few close friends in the program, which is quite intense by the way. 19 credits in 9 weeks.  The fact that I'm a bridesmaid this weekend doesn't make it very easy, but I will survive!  Here are a couple pics of some new friends on our cruise:

Julia V, Karen M, and Ellen N. I met Julia through a mutual friend at Visiting day and we ran into each other at Star Bucks the first day of
 orientation.  The rest of us met the first morning of orientation and completely hit if off.  I'm taking this picture right after I spilled diet coke all over my white shirt. I'm awesome.
Ellen is already an RN and is working to be a family nurse practitioner.  Karen is in the ETP (entry-to-practice) program with Julia and I, and she is also doing the family NP track. Julia is doing geriatrics, and I am currently signed up for acute care but ask me again in a couple months....
Me and Julia. Yay for new friends!!!

So speaking of making new friends and keeping the old, one of my close friends (and personal attendant in my wedding) from the VA was in Italy last week and came back an engaged woman! 
Congratulations Amelia and Chris!!
I'm so excited for you 2!

Off to Minnesota for Jodie and Brian's wedding after my 4 hour class tomorrow morning. Pray for an on time flight!!!

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