Early in the morning of August 10th, 01:30 CST to be exact, my new niece, Dani Alexandra Baker, came into the world! Erin and Steve were at the hospital all day on 8/9 as Erin was getting a trial of induction gels. Baby Baker was 4 days late and presumably pretty big ("a good sized baby" as Erin's MD told her). Also, Erin had been suffering from
PUPPS (puritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy) which was driving her nuts with itchiness. She had been dilated about 1.5cm for a week or two. After being at the hospital most of the morning, they sent Erin and Steve home to let the gels do their thing. At around 4:30pm, Erin's contractions became intense and close together and they gathered their things to drive to the hospital. Once they got there, Erin's water broke. Things were progressing well at first. Erin got an epidural around 7:30pm and dilated to 5cm. Then the progression stopped. The baby wasn't descending and her heart rate was starting to decelerate at times. The decision was made for a c-section for the safety of baby Baker. Finally at 01:30am on 8/10/10, Dani Alexandra arrived!
In the OR. The Baker family! |
Erin and Steve were surprised to discover that Dani has blonde hair (similiar to highlights says Grandma Karen) and blue eyes. The peroxide treatment must be what kept Dani in her mother's womb so long.
Dani weighed 9lbs, 2oz at birth, and was 20 and 3/4 inches. Erin reports her feet are so big that they didn't fit on the foot printer. She must take after Aunty Lo there.
Both Mama Erin and baby Dani are doing well, as is new dad Steve! Grandma Karen says Dani looks a little angel. She sure looks like a little cherub to me with those chubby cheeks!
Congratulations to Erin and Steve on their new baby girl! I can't wait to meet her in a week and a half. Keep her cute in the meantime! Also, congrats to Grandma Karen and Grandpa Alex on their first grandaugher. Many of these pictures are courtesy of Grandpa Al.
Last of all, welcome Dani! May your life filled with love, laughter and joy, and everything else that makes life worth living. Love, Aunty Lo.