Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The series of events...

So for those of you who have been hiding under a rock for the last week, Scott and I got engaged on Christmas morning! I was quite surprised as I thought I had to wait until at least June. Needless to say it was a very happy Christmas in the Bachnick/Baker/Witebsky household.

Scott wrapped the ring in a big box, which inclosed a bag, a smaller box and then the ring box. Here I am, literally thinking "This isn't going to be the ring I was hoping for."

Here is me realizing this IS the ring I was hoping for and Scott is getting down on one knee and proposing (and he wasn't nervous at all btw, he was excited he says). I am spinning because I can't believe this is real!

I couldn't really say anything for a bit after he proposed so I just hugged him, and eventually nodded an affirmative (duh.) However, just in case, Scott did make me verbally say yes a couple days ago when we realized I never did it.

My favorite post-proposal shot. It was just perfect.

I don't know where Scott and I are looking in this pic, but let's pretend it's towards the future with lots of love and hope!

And to answer your questions, I didn't cry, but I did tear up. And my hand was shaking quite a bit when I put the beautiful ring on! Get ready to come to Minneapolis in August of 2009 for a Bachnick/Witebsky wedding!

1 comment:

Marishka said...

The second picture in that series is by far the best. You look sort of frightened. Cheers!