Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Minnesota vs. New York, Part I

Things Minnesota has that New York doesnt have:

1) Excellent customer service where ever you go in whatever industry (retail, resturant, you name it, nice people)
2) Doctors who actually give you the time of day
3) Ice Skating Dinosaurs....(see pic)

4) Affordable housing
5) Lake Calhoun
6) The Bachnick and Witebsky families
7) Yards (as in back yards, front yards, side yards, etc)
8) Caribou Coffee (and now Northern Lite Coolers...mmmm!!)
9) The new Guthrie Theater (HUGE AND AMAZING!!)
10) Minnesota Nice

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. And MN doesn't have the random "What is that smell?!" every once and a while when walking down the street. We get that in b'more.